No Quarrel with Quebec

Quebec City is the next best thing to going to Europe. Considering the fact that I was SUPPOSED to go to Europe this week, in this case to Switzerland, but instead am laid up with a bum hip, I am glad my daughter M.E. and I experienced this trip to almost-Europe. It will have to suffice for this summer.

This was the third time I’d been to Quebec City. The first time was right after my dad passed away, my mom’s first venture at planning a mother and daughter trip instead of a family vacation. We splurged and flew from Burlington, VT – first time on a plan for either of us. I was 13 years old. So don’t remember much except the imposing Chateaux Frontenac, the historic edifice that dominates the landscape of the old city.

The second time was with my hubby for a few days, and we drove, so we had a wider adventure along the way to and from. This time, we flew to Montreal and took the bus to and from Quebec. Except for a major hassle with cancelled and delayed flights home, that worked out pretty well. (The bus is a lot cheaper than the train, and goes straight to the airport after a brief stop downtown. And has wifi – well is supposed to have wifi at least.)

We walked a lot (which probably in the long run did not help my current hip problem, but what the heck), and explored not only the old parts of the city and the Citidel on the hill, but a few parts of the more modern city as well. We also booked a few organized tours: a boat ride on the St. Lawrence (almost required on a trip with me), a tour of the countryside (with a very amusing bus driver/guide) and a glimpse into the inner workings and history of the Chateaux. (Next best thing to staying there, which is not really affordable and probably not totally worth it.)

Here are some highlights in photos. If you can’t make it to Europe, and live on the East Coast, try a visit to Quebec is my advice. Just don’t fly Air Canada.

The Chateaux, from the rooftop plaza of our much more modest but still strategically located hotel. From this vantage point we could also hear the music festival which was raging on each evening in the nearby Plains of Abraham.
At the Citidel (military fort) on another hill above the city you can tour the military history (not my thing) but we also discovered you could (for free) tour the Governor General’s residence. Which is chock full of art and really nice furniture. Plus you learn something about Canadian government. And the patio view is not too shabby!
One of the cool things at the Governor General’s house with this giant blow up of Samuel de Champlain (or someone in his party’s?) field note book/journal. He documented the flora and fauna, and of course said a lot of rather condescending things about the local cultures.
Another view of Quebec’s history, though the mural in the lower part of the old city, which you either get to by a lot of stairs (ouch, on the hip) or the Funicular. This mural blends old and new history in a charming way.
On our tour of the countryside, we stopped at Saint Anne de Beaupre Shrine, which boasts these impressive copper doors. We also stopped at the workshop of the copper artist who made them. He has passed on to the great workshop in the sky and left his knowledge and business to his female descendants. Really worth a visit to both!
I really could have used some of these abandoned assisted walking devises of those cured by visiting Saint Anne’s Shrine. It obviously didn’t work for me but probably because I shorted the recommended candle lighting fee.
One of the most interesting things about the tour of the Chateaux was the glimpse into the secret herb garden and bee keeping area. Keeping things Earth Optimistic in the heart of the old city!
Speaking of plants and gardens, I liked the concept of this work of living art outside the Museum of Fine Arts. (The inside was pretty impressive too.) Worth venturing outside the city walls to visit, but give yourself a couple/three hours to take it all in. There are several buildings and a lot to see.
Around the lower old and newer city area, there is also a sort of art walk with really cool installations. This one is near the boat tour dock and involved a lot of discarded life jackets used by Syrian refugees. (And is by Ai Weiwei no less.)
Water features in and around Quebec include the majestic Montmorency Falls. We got views from our boat ride and stopped here on our countryside tour as well. Locals were using the area to cool down in, though signs indicated they were not supposed to be doing so!
Ending at the beginning, the first night we arrived, the sunset was spectacular over the Laurentian mountains and illuminating the St. Lawrence, and a brief rain gifted us with this site. My mom loved rainbows, so it surely was her grinning down on us and approving the mother-daughter experience.

5 thoughts on “No Quarrel with Quebec

  1. Thank you for the great tour of Quebec, it has been such a long time since my last visit. The pictures bring us along with you. Your commentary, as always, is both informative and witty. Here’s hoping the hip is better soon and you can finally get to Switzerland. And, oh yeah, I totally agree about Air Canada. Yuck, and then some.

  2. Betty, thank you for this tour and great photos. I have never been. I have always wanted to go since my French class went in h.s. and they stayed at the Frontenac! My Mom said we couldnt afford it (and I am sure it was true because she always triwd to find a way for me). Quebec & Montreal are on my want to do list.

  3. Despite not being able to see my face in these photos, I promise I was happy the whole time! Sorry I overworked your hip but I’m glad we had this time together. To would-be travelers: don’t forget to check out the Museum of Bad Art if it’s still there, too 🙂

  4. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry about your hip issues Betty. Hugs to Steve for working all of his magic to ensure a near-Europe experience! Your QC experience sounds divine, particularly the boat ride. And I greatly appreciate your travelogue! I will find and send you some miracle working red dirt that was given to me by a mysterious man with a sleepy dog at santuario de chimayo New Mexico . Right after that my life and limb threatening leg injury occurred and the rest is a very interesting (at least to me lol) history. Sending you healing and comfort vibes!

  5. Fabulous photos. Those copper doors and the coppersmith and female descendants carrying on the family tradition are great! Oh my gosh, I am so sorry about your hip issues Betty. Hugs to Steve for working all of his magic to ensure a near-Europe experience! Your QC experience sounds divine, particularly the boat ride. And I greatly appreciate your travelogue! I will find and send you some miracle working red dirt that was given to me by a mysterious man with a sleepy dog at santuario de chimayo New Mexico . Right after that my life and limb threatening leg injury occurred and the rest is a very interesting (at least to me lol) history. Sending you healing and comfort vibes!

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