This winter has been even more dark and cold than usual. I think that’s why many of the houses in our neighborhood still had their winter holiday lights shining every evening well into February.
When darkness, physical or mental, creeps into our collective lives along with the cold, it is somewhat helpful to think of all things that brighten our interiors and exteriors.
Last Friday, my husband and I took in an inspiring light show at the National Cathedral. The whole open interior of the cathedral was illuminated with shapes and colors that changed every ten or so minutes, with calming music in the background. Butterflies danced on the columns, leaves on the ceiling. The rose window was bathed in purples and greens. Somehow even individual creases of stone in each arch were highlighted. It was a magical 45-ish minute cycle, with people of all ages oohing and aahing, walking around or lying on the floor gazing up.
This made me think about light, in general, which had touched me personally in the past few years. So, as one can do, I did a search through my photos with the term “light” and thought I would share some of what I found. Some are actual lights and some reference light. Join me on a brief photo tour of some of my favorite finds, and if you are inspired, do a search for light in your own photo files. It might warm you up as well as light your way toward spring, and hope.