So, that’s my excuse for not blogging more the end of the summer. That, and the fact that my phone was in the shop for a week. It is my primary camera now, for better or worse. (And the dog ate my homework.)
There were some highlights – a bit of time on the Hilton Head beach despite most of the time helping my sister work out plans to transition our mom into assisted living. A trip to California for Museum Camp at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, and visit to the daughter in San Francisco. A couple weekends at the cabin. The lovely wedding of a good friend. A bounty of green beans and tomatoes from the garden. Some time around outdoor pools.
Here’s a few highly random photos highlighting those activities.
And so, fall looms on the horizon bringing (eventually) crisp weather and that “new school year” new beginnings vibe. A sort of reset button for “normal life” after the time out of time of summer schedules and activities.
So, as summer 2018 fades into the sunset, no more excuses.