As more people get “vaxxed” (that’s a verb now), we are slowly emerging out of our mostly virtual lives and into real experiences. My husband and I have even – gasp! – gone out to dine indoors at a couple of restaurants. But, certain pandemic-era practices seem here to stay. And, I fear, we are stuck with such terms as “hybrid” and “pivot.”
Is that all bad, though? I think not. Along with the part about getting outside more, the part about connecting via Zoom, Teams, or Google Hangouts can be wearisome but it can also create some opportunities that would never have happened if we had to rely on finding the time and means to get together in person.
Whether conveniently connecting with an old friend who lives across town (but still we hadn’t spoken in years), gathering some far-flung women friends for cooking sessions, or sharing the work of some colleagues half-way around the world with an Arlington-based classroom, the technology is amazing and some heart-felt connections can be made despite the coldness of the medium and the weirdness of being a face in a frame. (And also watching yourself all the time which is just plain weird.)
Let us continue to embrace virtual visiting, while (like the cicadas, which may be the subject of my next blog) also emerge from our figurative underground lairs to greet the world in person.
Here are some images from my recent virtual and in person life: