After an amazing trip full of colors, tastes, new sights, new friends, it’s hard to sort out all the impressions into coherent explanations. I can’t blame it on jet lag anymore, as it has been a week and half since we returned. It’s just so…unbelievable that we were actually there? Hard to summarize?
Ten days in Tunisia, about a thousands miles covered, eleven “cultural tourism experiences,” countless mosaics, tiles, and carved vaulted ceilings, and food… so much delicious food.
In days to come, I promise to put my thoughts and experiences into categories that will make sense and attempt to capture our rich and varied experiences. Right now, bear with me and enjoy the photos I sort of randomly grouped together into an album. I had my reasons. There are (from myself and my three fellow travelers) more than 1500 photos in our collective album, so I just grabbed a few and threw them together here.
So, more to come. Meanwhile, enjoy this kaleidoscope of photos to just get a glimpse of all the things we saw and did. I promise curated topics will be forthcoming!